Essex Richards is pleased to announce that Heather Culp has been sworn in as President of the Mecklenburg County Bar, a 5400 member association, headquartered in Charlotte, NC. Heather was sworn in on May 18 for the 2017-2018 term, which begins July 1, 2017. “The attorneys and …
13 Best Practices I Learned at the 2017 ABA Bar Leadership Institute
By Heather Culp In March, I attended the American Bar Association’s Bar Leadership Institute in Chicago, representing the Mecklenburg County Bar as its President-Elect. Bar presidents and presidents-elect from (large) metro bars, state bars, and national specialty bars gathered to learn about and share best …
Think You’ve Made the Right Designation? Think Again.
Originally Published by The Charlotte Business Journal on September 16, 2016. By Woody Connette The batteries in our home smoke alarms are life savers, yet we tend to overlook them, often for years on end. Sadly, there’s no turning back the clock if they fail at a …
Business North Carolina Names 5 Essex Richards Attorneys to 2017 Legal Elite
Essex Richards, P.A. is pleased to announced that Business North Carolina magazine has named 5 firm attorneys to its 2017 list of “Legal Elite.” In addition to these lawyers being honored, Partner Heather Culp was named to the Legal Elite Hall of Fame, where she joins Essex Richards lawyers Lou Lesesne (Employment, 2007), Renee …
Business North Carolina Names Essex Richards Partner Heather Culp Top Bankruptcy Attorney
Essex Richards is pleased to announce that Business North Carolina magazine has named Partner Heather Culp as the top bankruptcy attorney in North Carolina on its 2017 list of “Legal Elite.” Heather received this award by gaining the highest number of votes by her peers …
Attorney Natalie Potter Becomes Certified Master Gardener
Essex Richards Attorney Natalie Potter recently completed her certification as an Extention Master Gardener. To gain the certification, Natalie attended two classes a week for ten weeks, and then volunteered for forty hours as a resource to the community on horticultural topics. The Extension Master Gardener Program …
Essex Richards Attorney Lauren Lewis Appeared on WBTV Talking about the Fighting for Women with Fashion Event
The Charlotte Women Attorneys and the Women Physicians Section of the Mecklenburg County Medical Society proudly announce the sixth annual Fighting for Women with Fashion event to benefit victims of domestic violence. In the past five years, the Fighting for Women with Fashion events have raised …
The Best Lawyers in America 2017 Recognizes 7 Essex Richards Attorneys; Woody Connette Named 2017 Lawyer of the Year in Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law
Essex Richards, P.A. is pleased to announce that The Best Lawyers© in America has named 7 of its attorneys to the 2017 list in the publication’s newly released 23rd edition.
Partner Heather Culp Invited to Speak on Bankruptcy Law at NCBA Annual Review Seminar
Essex Richards attorney Heather Culp will join thirteen lawyers from around the state of North Carolina to update on the year’s legal developments. Culp will provide the updates on consumer bankruptcy, covering the basics of bankruptcy for individuals and married couples with an emphasis on …
Partner Jon Buchan was a panelist on Mike Collins’ WFAE Charlotte Talks program on July 12 Topic: Social Media and Free Speech
The use of social media has been exploding. Nearly two-thirds of American adults are now on a social networking site using them for many reasons including an opportunity to get things off their chests. It’s a bedrock of free speech but one that presents a …
Partner John Daniel to Speak at Business Tort CLE
Business Torts: Deception, Fraud & the Usual Suspects Thursday, September 29, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. at the Bar & Foundation Center The purpose of my presentation is to share basic law and procedure on prosecuting and defending claims of unfair and deceptive …
Myths of Mediation – Three Dangerous Myths About NC Superior Court mediations
Originally published by North Carolina Lawyer’s Weekly on May 24, 2016. By Jonathan E. Buchan A myth, according to my well-worn companion Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, is “an unfounded and false notion.” The thicket of rules and statutory provisions governing mediated settlement conferences in North …