Podcast: Protecting Your Finances During COVID-19

Making Good Personal Financial Decisions During the COVID-19 Crisis The coronavirus and COVID-19 diagnoses in the United States have quickly changed our lives in many ways. While health and public safety are top priority, many of us are concerned about our personal finances, and how …

Will My Life Improve After Bankruptcy?

As we referenced in this post, our team was curious about how our clients are doing now – after their bankruptcy has been discharged. Many new clients just want to know “will my life be better after bankruptcy?” So we went back and asked our …

What To Expect When Filing Bankruptcy

Like most of life’s big decisions, the thought of filing for bankruptcy can be scary, overwhelming, emotional, confusing or a combination of all of these.  It can also ignite thoughts of hope and determination – for your family’s future, financial peace,and the lifting of an …

Essex Richards Launches Bankruptcy Blog

Essex Richards is excited to announce the launch of our Bankruptcy blog. The blog, written by bankruptcy attorney Heather Culp, will cover questions and issues that arise in filing for personal bankruptcy, as well as other debt-related legal matters. Topics will include the differences in …

Can I leave a Certain Debt Out of the Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy clients frequently have this question, and the quick and simple answer is NO:   under penalty of perjury, all debts must be listed in a bankruptcy. From consulting with hundreds of clients filing for bankruptcy, we have found that folks ask this question for one …

Will I Have To Go To Court?

Many people are intimidated by the legal system – at least the one portrayed in movies and T.V. legal dramas – speaking in front of a judge, being sworn in, appealing to a jury, facing your creditors.  But in the case of bankruptcy, rest assured, …

Will My Bankruptcy Hurt My Spouse?

Your marriage has been a model of relational accord since saying “I Do” a few decades ago, with one major exception: finances. Money – one of the most significant weights and causes for discord placed on most marriages. Jobs have been unsteady, hospital bills have …

Will I Ever Get Credit Again, After Bankruptcy?

If you’ve ever had to file bankruptcy, one of your overwhelming questions was likely, “will I ever have credit again?” I hear this question from almost every client, and why wouldn’t I?  It’s a big one! The vast majority of our bankruptcy clients receive credit …